listen and enjoy
Friday, July 31, 2009
Vienna Teng "Gravity"
I have been listening to Vienna Teng since2001 and I never tire of her voice or her lyrics.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day Lily Trio.jpg
Today, I went to a Nursing Home with one of my clients that I help. Ms P wanted to visit her cousin who is an invalid. When we first started going cousin M was barely responsive and crunched up in the fetal position. That was 5 months ago, now M is talking and responding very well to treatment. This picture is a representation of our visit. P and M and me!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This is a Balloon flower that I found in a friends yard. She had invited me over for a swim in her lovely pool. When I got there, I was blown away by all of her gardens. This was a great afternoon of swimming and photo taking. When the day came to an end there were thunder head clouds overhead. So, a quick get away was necessary but not with out a treasure load of captures. It was a good day
Monday, July 27, 2009
Okay, Its My Birthday

When I was young, my Mother would buy a cake for my birthday because it would be too hot to bake. We did not have big birthday parties when I was growing up, and birthdays were not a big deal either.
Not true for my own kids, I remember hosting a backwards birthday party for one of my daughters, where every thing was done backwards including wearing your clothes backwards. It was so much fun, and the kids were wild about it, including the parents.
So, for my birthday this year I went out and bought a chocolate cake with peanut butter chocolate frosting "YUMMY". I can hardly wait to have some but I will wait till tonight and have a slice with my room mate and her new friend.
Birthdays should be a big deal. I know some people hate birthdays. They moan and groan and truly make a spectacle of themselves. Yes, you are getting older, so what; we are born, we live, we die, and you better dance like no one is watching except maybe at a funeral.Though, I can think of a few people that would enjoy having people dancing at their funeral, I am one of them .
So this is what I want to do for my birthday. I want some one to blow bubbles so I can take pictures of the bubbles. Yep, that is right, I want bubbles. I told this to my room-mate and she rolled her eyes at me like I was some kind of idiot. That is okay, its my party and I want bubbles, dammit.
Nope, not sad about my birthday at all. I have done a lot in my 55 yrs, some I will talk about, others I rather keep to myself, and I must say I have very few regrets. Regrets are for fools who look to the past instead of enjoying the here and now! I remember jumping from bridges to swim in a river ( if you remember the Silver Bridge- email me), I have ridden horses, run marathons, biked lots of miles, walked even more miles ( and still do), I have fallen in love and out, I have had a soul mate, owned dogs and cats and even a goat. I have owned 10 cars so far, the first three looked like I ran them in a demolition derby. One car my first husband flipped over with me in it. The rest of cars survived much better as I got older and more careful. I owned have owned new cars from the dealer and have bought used. I will not being buying new any time soon, I would rather spend my money on cameras, lenses, laptop (hint, hint)
Back to being happy about where I am right now. I have three great children, three grandchildren, and a son in law. They all live out in California and they are doing well. I have a 10 year old SUV that serves me well, a 5 year old German Shepherd/Great Dane and he goes hiking with me at least three to four times a month. So, you see I am happy to be 55 years old, and I am dancing as fast as can!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The tree of life?
Original Capture

Here is the original picture I took the other day. Roughly I think it is good but I would like to put a kind of flair to the picture, brighten up the flowers. I think that the cement in the back ground has possibilities. I like the rust trails that surround the blossoms
orange cone 01
Sunny side up, processed this capture last night while I was waiting for dinner to be ready.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I took the original and started playing with light and texture. I cropped out as much as I could to tighten up the shot.
I really have no idea what the name is to these flowers but I like their texture. I was surprised by the background because it looks like texture
Gold Structure of Nature
I thought the structure of this flower's petals were interesting. We have been having a lot of rain here this summer and the flowers in some ways show that perhaps it is too much rain.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Golden Phoenix
I am always amazed with nature. The patterns and shapes that I see blow my mind. In this capture, while I was working on the edit of this image I kept thinking this looks like like a bird. Then I thought that it looked like the bird of Phoenix. Of course I know others will probably see something different but that is what art is all about. Looking with your eyes and seeing what please you.
Monday, July 20, 2009
First Post
Hi, this is my first post on this service. I am hoping that everyone will take a look at my website
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Brook Flowing_edited-1.jpg
This wonderful brook is very close to where I live. I pass this brook every day, sometimes several times a day. When I walk my dog, I like to take one of my cameras with me to shoot anything that pleases my eye. This brook pleases my eye, so much so that I have many captures of it for every season.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thoughts on Composition
My thoughts on thoughtful composition with a touch of creativity.
Successful composition exists where the diverse elements of a scene is presented to create a particular effect: peace,harmony, drama, and discord.
It is important to learn to recognize the "natural" harmony contained in flowers and gardens: this will help the photographer to produce a more satisfying composition.
Check for distractions IE plant labels,passer by, and other distractions like my dog walking in front of the plant I am shooting and ..... well use your imagination. Often, our eyes do not see the distractions, such as telephone wires, branches and well you get the idea.
For the ideal capture, set up the camera on a tripod so you can depict only what you want to include in your capture. Good time to look for any of those pesky distractions.
Consider your subject from all angles, not just from the top. Consider
lying on your back and shoot the picture at this angle. Sometimes I take a potted plant and put it up high to get this angle. I carry a step ladder in my car just for this purpose.
Look for unusual subjects that have angles,patterns to create a more original or striking composition.
Ensure that your photographs have a clear center of interest; use mass, colour or contrast to achieve this. Also, use natural gardens, wildflowers in a field,paths, and avenues that create scale and perspective and a sense of depth.
I find that one of the best ways to get a really great composition in a photograph is to have flowers in odd numbers such as one flower or three flower etc.
Well that is it for thoughtful composition for today. Please leave comments if you would like to or add any other suggestions.
Successful composition exists where the diverse elements of a scene is presented to create a particular effect: peace,harmony, drama, and discord.
It is important to learn to recognize the "natural" harmony contained in flowers and gardens: this will help the photographer to produce a more satisfying composition.
Check for distractions IE plant labels,passer by, and other distractions like my dog walking in front of the plant I am shooting and ..... well use your imagination. Often, our eyes do not see the distractions, such as telephone wires, branches and well you get the idea.
For the ideal capture, set up the camera on a tripod so you can depict only what you want to include in your capture. Good time to look for any of those pesky distractions.
Consider your subject from all angles, not just from the top. Consider
lying on your back and shoot the picture at this angle. Sometimes I take a potted plant and put it up high to get this angle. I carry a step ladder in my car just for this purpose.
Look for unusual subjects that have angles,patterns to create a more original or striking composition.
Ensure that your photographs have a clear center of interest; use mass, colour or contrast to achieve this. Also, use natural gardens, wildflowers in a field,paths, and avenues that create scale and perspective and a sense of depth.
I find that one of the best ways to get a really great composition in a photograph is to have flowers in odd numbers such as one flower or three flower etc.
Well that is it for thoughtful composition for today. Please leave comments if you would like to or add any other suggestions.
Old Fashion Day Lily
My Day Lilies have started to bloom, however this one is an old vintage style Day Lily that was transplanted from a friends yard last year. I will be putting up more captures of this Day Lily showing the inside.
Uploaded by wings4me1 on 16 Jul 09, 6.18PM EDT.
Uploaded by wings4me1 on 16 Jul 09, 6.18PM EDT.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tear Drops
This afternoon I sat myself down to my laptop and switched on the photo editor. I started going through my images that I have not processed yet and came across this Iris with raindrops. So, always ready to for the raindrop challenge I start working on this Iris. The first thing I did was to crop the hell out of hit. Then I enlarged it to what I thought was acceptable. Next, I selected a layer in vivid light mode. On to top of this layer I worked on the Brightness and contrast adjustments and upped the volume. Then I worked with adjustments in shadow and color saturation. Here is the results. Not bad if I say so myself!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Daisie Beaded.jpg
Rain drops are what I am working on right now. To perfect the rain drop I have been experimenting with a soft brush in vivid light mode. However in this one I decided to use soft brush in soft light mode.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Here is my old fashion pink rose with raindrops. This was captured with a Nikon D300 in RAW format. Exported using Picassa, saved as a JPEG and then exported in to Photoshop. Once in Photoshop I resized the image with a extended black border. Then I adjusted the Bright/Contrast and painted the raindrops with vivid light.
It has been raining pretty much all week, actually for the last two weeks. I am suffering from a slight case of cabin fever. Very difficult to get out to take photos. I have a bunch of places I want to go but with the rain its not likely to work out. So, I have been taking the time to do image processing and camera clean up. The weather forcast is for rain through Friday with a hope that on Saturaday will be clear. I am hoping that this is the case because I have plans to head over to D'Acres for a Bluegrass Concert. D'Acres is a Educational Organic Farm that has demostrations in organic farming, organic lifestyle, and a host of miscellanous workshops such as a writing group,poetry group,weaving group, and the list goes on.
I hope everyone enjoys their Fourth of July!
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