The bog is teeming with life, at first you can hear the sounds of life. After being there for a little while you can start to see the insects in the bog. I found a Red Dragonfly and then a damsel which I took shots of. It was an extremely humid day, the sweat was pouring off of my face and body in bucket loads. My dog was doing a rather loud pant which I surmised would not allow me to see much. But, I saw dragonflies galore with in inches of me. Now, I did not have my telephoto lens with me because I made this stop on a lark.

On this blog, I managed to upload some articles on how to shoot dragonflies. These photographers know what they are doing and supply much needed advice to yours truly. The biggest help is to remain patient and still, which I think is a very zen like activity. So, sweat dripping and misquitos biting I have captured my favorite insects.
Outstanding photos - any chance of using a few on our QuincyBog.org website? webmaster@quincybog.org